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More importantly, Johnny Depp is all but assured to return, though our scooper claims he may end up making as much as $35 - $40 million to do it. Also returning will be Geoffrey Rush and Gore Verbinski as director, but forget about the rest of the cast because from now on the movies will only be about Captain Jack.
That’s right, Pirates 4 will cast aside Will and Elizabeth to make it an all Jack Sparrow movie.
Урааааааааа! Джек и Босся форева!! :inlove: вот это будет супер!
The fountain story could used in another form to introduce the story for Pirates 4… the next film might be a departure from the same formula of the last three movies as well, meaning that Jerry Bruckheimer could be planning to enter the realm of Science Fiction this time around and it could be the heart of a new trilogy with Jack Sparrow and his crew of misfits. Some of the brainstorming going around involves some Jules Verne type of scenarios involving some pretty big flying machines, a man who wants to rule more than just the ocean, a encounter with the most famous and dangerous pirate of all, a race to get to a lost world (Hint, Hint) and Jack and his crew going to where no pirate has gone before (No, its not space but Disney had made animated movie about this place before with Michel J Fox voicing one of the characters).”
А это уже бред :fie: да снимите вы что-то попроще, не так навязчиво. Про Джек и Боссю, но без всяких страшных летательных машин, неизвестных мест, снимите про ПИРАТСТВО!
Apparently we’ll also get more of Jack’s past and his family, which could also mean more Keith Richards.
Это мне нравится
А теперь все быстро забыли о П4, ждать-то еще ой как долго( Зато можно жить спокойно, зная (не точно, но надеяться можно), что раз там будут Джек и Босся, то Джек все-таки вернет Жемчужину :yahoo:
“word is that the start date could be around 2009 to 2011.”